
Birthday boy

My little guy is now a big three year old boy. When did that happen? I blinked and he is a 'three-nager' (oh yes, now I understand what that phrase means). Despite the toddler antics I fall in love with him a little bit more every day - I am truly blessed and so proud to be his mummy.

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We celebrated his special day with a visit to his favourite play-cafe, followed by a little family party. He got his special 'happy birthday cake' - a chocolate mousse cake with strawberry topping (his favourite, he would live on chocolate cake if I let him).

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He got lots of small presents - a jigsaw puzzle, playdough set, a little model airplane and a helicopter, pair of binoculars, books, and a special new clock (that tells him when he needs to go to sleep and when he can get out of bed). However his favourite present by far is his new nightlight - to keep all the night monsters and beasts at bay.

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It was made for him by the very talented Daniela from Trebuchet blog, one of my favourites. Daniela now has an Etsy shop called Casita selling these adorable hand-made wooden nightlights. I bought one for Alice too (of course), I will share a picture of that soon. I squealed when I opened the parcel, they were even more perfect in real life than in the pictures, such attention to detail! Thank you so much, Daniela.

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Life at Down Grapevine Lane headquarters is busy as always, I have a number of projects underway, and I haven't forgotten about the strawberry pincushion tutorial - which is coming next.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Happy birthday - you are blessed to have two such adorable little ones x


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