I have been procrastinating over this Easter mini-quilt / wall-hanging for so long that at one point it looked like it wasn't going to happen. I changed my mind about the layout / configuration / colours / fabric choices so many times. Finally stopped over-thinking it, and just winged it. It's not perfect, and not quite the ultimate Easter decoration, but it's going to make a sweet addition to the mini-quilt wall in my sewing room.
I appliqued the motifs onto the mini using fusible-web, then hand-quilted around the perimeter in matching thread.
I made some crochet eggs as well, and used these cookie cutters for the motifs. I have turned the motif patterns into a PDF which you can download
The kids were very excited about Easter this year! Alice was sporting some suitably Easter-y bunny socks today.
Our hunter-gatherers were set loose in the garden to find the hidden chocolate eggs and bunnies, and then enjoyed the spoils of their hunt.
I wish you all a very happy Easter with your nearest and dearest! Lots of love from my family to yours.

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