I would lie if I said I didn't find these blocks a little challenging. I had to rip and resew several seams to get those points lined up - it's a pretty unforgiving design so my advice is to take extra care when cutting and sewing.
Hope you like my Diamond blocks! If you would like more inspiration check out the blogs / Instagram feeds of all the other designers participating in this quilt along!
Joanna of Fig Tree Quilts (@figtreequilts)
Pat Sloan (@quilterpatsloan)
April of Prairie Grass Patterns (@amrosenthal)
Tina of Emily Ann's Kloset (@emilyannskloset)
Melissa of Oh How Sweet (@ohhowsweet)
Angie of Gnome Angel (@gnomeangel)
Vanessa of Lella Boutique (@lellaboutique)
Melissa of Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)
Erin of Why Not Sew (@whynotsewquilts)
Greg of Grey Dogwood Studio (@greydogwoodstudio)
Sondra of Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)

Hello! I am new on your beautiful blog. Love it ....can´t stop watching!!!!!Perfect colours ...brightened up my day :)