I blinked and January is gone! The last few weeks of summer school holidays went by in a happy blur of parties, beach, play dates, pool, and family time. Not much sewing got done - but we made progress with the chicken coop - also known as 'Cluckingham Palace' - we are finally on the home stretch with it now. We also redecorated the kids' bedrooms, and got them new furniture, wall art, and accessories. Our little boy and girl are growing up so fast and it was time to update their room decors, and get rid of all the 'baby' stuff. Out with the old, in with the new - everything is organised, clean, and free of clutter! Feels so good.

School went back last week, so I'm back at work now, busy on my new book and a new fabric collection. But I found some time to finish the scrappy tote I started back in January - a gift for Alice's best friend. Of course, Alice demanded an identical one herself, so they could go around like twinsies. I added little tags with their initials to the bags so they don't get mixed up.
The style of these totes is very much early
Nana Company - fabric designer Amy Sinibaldi's gorgeous blog which is one of my all time faves. A very 'zakka' look with lots of linen and pretty florals, and sweet little touches such as hand quilting on the panels, and linen patches. I didn't use a pattern - used the same method as a
tote I made last year (essentially a simple box bottomed bag) but added a pocket to the front.

A while ago I mentioned that I was planning to have a quilting studio built in the grounds of our property. I may still do that some day, but I got quite fond of my sewing room in the house and hubby and I would like to have the property landscaped first and have a custom library installed, like we both always wanted (priorities, people!). Which means I will be making alterations to my current sewing room instead, to make it work better as a dedicated sewing and design space. More decorating fun for me to come! For starters I need more shelving - much, much more shelving. Because, honestly, I don't think I can fit another fat quarter into my cupboards. You all know I'm a self confessed fabric addict, but I think I may have a slight 'problem' when it comes to notions too (as I found out when I was looking for something the other day). I can't help myself - I love vintage style notions, pretty buttons, lace, cotton trim, cute wooden boxes, scissors, vintage thread spools...the list goes on. I know I shouldn't keep adding to my collection, but look, aren't they pretty? I just know there are kindred spirits out there who will totally understand where I'm coming from. Having said that, I think a major destash is way, way overdue too!

Until later, when I will be back to show you my newest collection for Riley Blake designs, which is coming out in just a few months! What a thrill!