The book is full of beautiful patchwork projects ranging from the smallest (pincushions) to the biggest (bed size quilts). It's full of inspiring fabric selections and photography, and there's something in it for everyone. Now, for me, I have a real soft spot for Dresdens, so when I saw that blue Dresden on the cover of the book I knew immediately that's what I had to make.
For the Dresden Plate I used my Summer Blush fabrics, with only one other print, a pink mini floral, from my Sweet Prairie collection. The low volume background print is from one of Amy Sinibaldi's early lines. I turned my project into a trivet , by machine quilting the background in a fan pattern, and hand quilting the edge with DMC perle floss. Making this trivet was truly therapy for my soul - like most people around the world I'm struggling with all the bad news relating to COVID 19 and the massive toll it's having on everyone's lives. It's truly surrreal, and sewing really helps me to keep my anxiety in check and do something productive whilst we are in lock down.
Hope you are all doing well and keeping safe, dear friends - well as much as any of us really can at a time like this... At least we have sewing to help keep us sane in isolation, that's one blessing! Here is a list of all the other makers taking part in the book tour - go check them out and see some other projects from this beautiful book!